Amazon Adventure – Iquitos, Peru Iquitos Amazon RIver Boat LaunchIquitos, Peru Iquitos Amazon RIver Boat LaunchIquitos, Peru Amazonian PiranhaIquitos, Peru Amazon River VillageIquitos, Peru Sunset on Amazon TributaryIquitos, Peru Muyuna LodgeIquitos, Peru Tarantula, Muyuna Lodge Night WalkIquitos, Peru Shy but deadlyIquitos, Peru Tree Frog, Muyuna Lodge Night WalkIquitos, Peru Sheep FrogIquitos, Peru Centipede – The world below your feetIquitos, Peru Collecting Amazonian Medicinal HerbsIquitos, Peru Amazonian Stink BugsIquitos, Peru Catch of the dayIquitos, Peru Local Village Boy, Muyuana LodgeIquitos, Peru Day of play in the villageIquitos, Peru Village Girl along the AmazonIquitos, Peru Life on the Amazon riverIquitos, Peru Black VultureIquitos, Peru Walking Palm TreeIquitos, Peru Pygmy MarmosetIquitos, Peru Pygmy MarmosetIquitos, Peru Pygmy Marmoset, High AlertIquitos, Peru Life on the Amazon riverIquitos, Peru Life on the Amazon riverIquitos, Peru Amazon tributaryIquitos, Peru Black-Collard HawkIquitos, Peru Amazon river frogIquitos, Peru Amazon river frogIquitos, Peru Polka-dot Tree FrogIquitos, Peru Grasshopper, Tetataenia surinama, IquitosIquitos, Peru Amazon RIver BoatIquitos, Peru Night visitor, Muyuna Lodge, IquitosIquitos, Peru Muyuna LodgeIquitos, Peru Giant Water LiliesIquitos, Peru Amazon Tributary HomeIquitos, Peru Laundry Day on the RiverIquitos, Peru Amazon RIver BoatIquitos, Peru